He's Just Not That Into You

It started with a line which became a book and now it's a full length movie. Be sure to watch He's Just Not That Into You for it speaks to all men and specially women around the world as it talks about the universal language of love.

So I took some time to think of all the times my girlfriends asked me for love advise and here are some of those moments when the most appropriate thing to say is actually... yes, you guessed it right: "He's Just Not That Into You"

1. Everytime you go out on a date, he asks you where you want to go or where you want to eat. If he's really into you, he'll take the initiative to surprise you with something sweet.

2. When you ask him if he could accompany you to buy new shoes, he asks you why you need new pair of shoes. If he's really into you, he'll understand that women love shoes, period.

3. Call him during a business meeting. If he drops the call, then he's just not that into you. If he answers it and politely tells you that now is not a good time, then you're in good hands.

These is just what I can think of now. I'll add more as soon as I think of more.